Sunday 2 October 2011

Abuse Of The Workers' Compensation System | MY Lawyers Time

Abuse Of The Workers? Compensation System

People who are involved in worker?s compensation agree on the fact that there are problems in the system and the blame is always put on someone else. Blame is put on employers and employees, insurance companies, and professionals. The California Department of Insurance centers in on the bosses of companies.

Workers? compensation insurance would involve some kind of employer fraud. The fraud ranges from underreporting of payroll by paying cash to employees to misclassifying employees in order to secure a lower premium. There is a different perception made by the state?s top insurance regulator about this. People who are being paid large amounts of money by their employers often misuse the workers? compensation insurance, says a California insurance commissioner.

This current crisis can be the fault of any group, an attorney who deals with workers? compensation issues says. The defense that workers get will be the strongest he can give. He says the incidence of fraud by workers is miniscule. The Web site of the California applicants? attorneys association issues this report that in between the years 1993 and 1998, arrests and convictions were hardly made.


He wants employers and employees to see that they are both still facing against insurance companies. Five years after the insurance industry was not anymore controlled by the government, the cost of insurance fell. Because there were very little claims made, the insurance companies invested in the runaway stock market and made huge profits.

More and more problems emerged as a result of 9/11. The insurance industry and insurance companies suffered great losses because of these terrorist attacks. He believes that the 235 private insurance companies that still provide workers? compensation in the state of California should be included in the Web site of the state.

A claim would result in a rise in rate, but no claim would result in no change in rate. Since he is after some form of rebate incentive, he voices out his support for Senate Bill 191 which aims to reward employees who have been claim free for at least two years.

The term compitis is employed by this one physical therapist to describe his patients? conditions. This therapist believes that there is a difference between the length of time it takes a person to recover from work injuries and non work injuries.

A person who got injured because of a mishap at work would most likely take longer to recover than if he got injured because of an accident outside of work. This one method of payment would encourage health care specialists to keep track of workers? compensation patients.

Treatment is seldom queried, he said, and once the paperwork is submitted the health professionals can expect a check virtually by return post. He said that is in stark contrast to an HMO which asks lots of questions, is always looking for more paperwork and fosters a system which is time consuming, expensive and difficult, and inevitably delays reimbursement of medical costs.

Around 40% of the patients of chiropractors would have workers? compensation, yet this one chiropractor?s patients estimate to about only 15%. Chiropractors take advantage of this system by billing for a lot more than what is normally recommended. He knows what patients do to abuse the system. Patients pretend they have injuries although certain tests can be done to detect malingerers.


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